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12.05.2015 | Social justice, Labor relations, All Publications

In recent years, Israel has promoted several comprehensive reforms to improve and protect the environment.


12.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

12.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

12.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

12.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

Published by Adva – Information on Equality and Social Justice in Israel


12.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

12.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

11.05.2015 | Social justice, Labor relations, All Publications

11.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

Author: Hannah Arendt

Translation from English and introduction: Ariella Azoulay and Adi Ophir


11.05.2015 | Social justice, Labor relations, All Publications

This publication is part of a multi-year project of the Macro Center for Political Economy and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation which began in 2009 and focuses on green employment.


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