
Green Employment: Global Trends and the Israeli Case

In recent years, Israel has promoted several comprehensive reforms to improve and protect the environment.

The field of green employment is a relatively new field that so far has not been discussed publicly in a comprehensive and professional manner. That is why the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Macro Center for Political Economy and the Ministry of Environmental Protection held a first conference that focuses on the issue.

The conference, "Green Growth and Green Employment: Global Trends and the Israeli Case", was held in Tel Aviv on March 19, 2012. Speakers were among others, the Minister of Environmental Protection, international experts, senior Israeli researchers and representatives of the workers and employers.

This publication summarizes in an integrative manner the main conclusions reached at the conference.


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Findings from a conference: Green Growth and Green Employment, Tel Aviv, March 19, 2012.
Edited by Dr. Roby Nathanson and Roy Levy

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