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24.12.2024 | Labor relations, All Publications

For over three decades the Israeli Industrial Relations Research Association (IIRRA) have held conferences dealing with issues of labour and employment in all its many aspects.


10.01.2024 | Labor relations, All Publications

For over a decade, the IIRRA in cooperation with the ILO and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung organizes an annual conference on a relevant and current issue, be it an item taken from research conducted by the ILO or another attention-grabbing case linked with the tripartite structure and labour relations.


03.01.2023 | Labor relations, All Publications

The Covid pandemic and extreme crises that occurred and the ones that may await us in the future focus attention on how economies in Israel and worldwide must organize to continue functioning appropriately in these complex and challenging times.



06.11.2022 | Labor relations, All Publications

HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed Youth Movement (NOAL) in collaboration with FES Israel conducted a public opinion survey among the public engaged in the fields of waitresses, restaurants and food delivery.



22.12.2021 | Labor relations, All Publications

FES Israel and the Israeli Industrial Relations Research Association (IIRRA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) held the IIRRA’s annual conference “Platform Economy / Gig Economy New Challenges for Labour Relations”.



14.11.2021 | Labor relations, All Publications

A new publication by the Macro Center for Political Economics and FES Israel on the subject of a “4 + 1” work model that combines training and work


21.12.2020 | Social justice, Labor relations, All Publications

10.11.2020 | Social justice, Labor relations, All Publications

An unprecedented unionising trend has been witnessed among Israeli ICT workers since 2014, leading to the formation of the first works councils in this sector and the first CBAs being concluded by workers and employers. This unionising momentum has come amid years of declining membership rates at Israeli trade unions.



10.06.2020 | Social justice, Labor relations, All Publications

31.12.2019 | Labor relations, All Publications

Summary Report


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