Peace and Security Dialogue
FES Israel contributes to the peace and security policy dialogue with the introduction of progressive concepts. In cooperation with non-governmental organizations, think tanks, universities and research institutes, we support the development of new strategies, which are then presented to experts, multipliers, decision-makers and representatives of civil society.
In particular, we strengthen political ties between Israel and its neighbors by creating opportunities for exchange, promoting Israeli-Palestinian networks, and conducting research projects. In doing so, we work closely with partners who promote peace, advocate for universal human rights, and consider issues of gender justice.
At the same time, we aim to promote exchange between all stakeholders. Our aim is to work with our Israeli, Palestinian, and European partners to develop sustainable solutions and thus contribute to a discussion that promotes a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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Israel Office
Tuval 40, Sapir Tower
Ramat Gan 5252247
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