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18.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

18.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

18.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Climate Changes in Security and Energy and the new Challenges for EU-Israel Relations


18.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, Social justice, All Publications

Published by the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya Academic College


13.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

12.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

The term "national security" is perceived in Israel in most cases in its military context. Indeed, most of the studies and discussions dealing with national security issues focus on various aspects of the activity of the security system and of Israel's military activity.


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