
The Israeli domestic discussion on the Gaza war

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The first publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the Cast Lead military operation that the Israeli military waged against Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, from December 27, 2008 through January 17, 2009.

We present in the following the opinions of two experts who analyze the situation by drawing very different conclusions:

Dr. Reuven Pedatzur, a lecturer at Netanya Academic College, represents a highly critical position on Operation Cast Lead. He concludes that the “use of military force against Hamas was unavoidable,” but that this does not justify the “excessive use” thereof.

In contrast, Prof. Ephraim Inbar of Bar-Ilan University believes that this time – as opposed to the 2006 Lebanon War – the Israeli military did its job very well. For him, it made appropriate use of military means. He indicates that, although Hamas was greatly weakened, it will still continue to rule the Gaza Strip.


Download the Publication of Israel Debates No.1: “The Israeli domestic discussion on the Gaza war”



Dr. Reuven Pedatzur and Prof. Ephraim Inbar

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