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07.03.2017 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya Academic College


21.02.2017 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Dr. Alon Liel is former Director General of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


10.01.2017 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

The author is Selin Nasi is a columnist for Hürriyet Daily News and Şalom.


29.11.2016 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

By Oguz Çellikol, Turkey’s former Ambassador to Tel Aviv and currently Lecturer at the Istanbul Kültür University.


28.11.2016 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

By Arad Nir, Foreign Affairs and International Commentator for Channel 2 News.


14.04.2016 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Making Peace with the Palestinians by focusing on the Israelis.


28.02.2016 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya Academic College


27.12.2015 | Israel-German / European relations, Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Published in cooperation with IEPN, MACRO – The Center for Political Economics.


02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The present publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the subject of new political horizons for the peace process.


02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The present publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion about the Geneva Interim Agreement in the Inner-Israeli Dispute.


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