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12.10.2022 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

A new publication about Israeli Foreign Policy in 2022



16.03.2022 | Social justice, All Publications

By applying a phase model for the renewables-based energy transition in the MENA countries to Israel, the study provides a guiding vision to support the strategy development and steering of the energy transition process. The transition towards a renewable-based energy system can reduce import dependencies and increase the energy security in Israel.



16.01.2022 | Social justice, All Publications

This document was written by the Mossawa Center in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung based on information gathered from other organizations and from local councils in preparation for the approval of the State budget for the years 2021-2022 and the new five-year plan for closing the gaps in the financing of services in Arab localities in the years 2022-2026 (government decision 550).



03.01.2022 | Israel-German / European relations, All Publications

This paper analyses and debates the challenges of the EU-Israel economic relations, situating them in their overarching environment of the Eastern Mediterranean. It assesses the impact of this strategy on EU-relations in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean sub-regional cooperation.



22.12.2021 | Labor relations, All Publications

FES Israel and the Israeli Industrial Relations Research Association (IIRRA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) held the IIRRA’s annual conference “Platform Economy / Gig Economy New Challenges for Labour Relations”.



14.11.2021 | Labor relations, All Publications

A new publication by the Macro Center for Political Economics and FES Israel on the subject of a “4 + 1” work model that combines training and work


19.07.2021 | Social justice, All Publications

Students’ podcast project


05.07.2021 | Social justice, All Publications

The document presents data on some aspects of inequality in Israel during the corona period. It first focuses on three defined population groups: the upper class, the high-tech workers and the small businesses.



04.07.2021 | Gender justice, Social justice, All Publications

The Corona crisis began as a health crisis, but it revealed the weaknesses of Israel’s social, economic, and political systems as well. It found a political system entirely devoid of gender sensitivity. Thus, the decisions made, mainly by men, failed to reflect the needs of women. Moreover, the services essential to coping with the epidemic were under-budgeted and under-staffed. What’s more, the epidemic spotlighted the…


01.07.2021 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

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