
To find out more about the events of FES Israel please check our Facebook page.

| Israel-German / European relations, Previous Events

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024 - Home

As every year, we are pleased to invite you to the main event of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024, which we will hold in cooperation...


| Israel-German / European relations, Previous Events

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024 - Home “My roots are planted in two different landscapes" (Leah Goldberg)

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Ghetto Fighters’ House, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Israel, are honored to...


29.12.2023 | Shared society, Social justice, Previous Events

The 10th class of the program for social and environmental economics (formerly the program for social economists) has officially opened

On Friday, December 29, dozens of economics students from three universities (HebrewU, Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion) gathered at Beit Berel to hear about...


| Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

6 O Clock after the War - A Political Security Vision for Israel

On December 19, a hybrid conference took place, organized by the Berl Katznelson Foundation and the Mitvim Institute, in cooperation with FES Israel...


| Labor relations, Previous Events

The international conference of the Israeli Industrial Relations Research Association 2023

The event will take place on Thursday, December 7, at 10:00 - 13:00, in Zoom.


| Gender justice, Previous Events

Conference of Women Influencers in the North of WePower and FES Israel

The event will take place on Tuesday, 5.9.23, from 19:00 to 20:45 at Yad Labanim house, Efrayim 28, Kiryat Bialik.



10.08.2023 | Gender justice, Previous Events

Networking tour of Women Influencers in the South WePower and FES Israel

On 10/8/2023 we will hold the third meeting of the Southern Women Influencers Network - this time as part of a networking tour in the city of Sderot...


| Gender justice, Previous Events

Conference of Women Influencers in the South of WePower and FES Israel

The event will take place on Tuesday, 29.6.23, between the hours of 19:00 and 22:00 at Gila's house - Palmach 81, the Old City, Beer Sheva.



| Shared society, Social justice, Previous Events

Midrash Keshet Noded - The Significance of Organized Labor in Israel for the Class and Mizrahi Struggle

The Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow, in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation Israel, invites you to the “Midrash Keshet Noded”. The event will...


| Shared society, Social justice, Previous Events

Midrash Keshet Noded – Tracking in the Education System

The event will take place on Thursday, June 8, at 8:00 p.m., at Ezra St. 4, Netanya.



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