
To find out more about the events of FES Israel please check our Facebook page.

03.12.2024 | Peace and security dialogue, Shared society, Previous Events

Launch of the New Book by Alon Liel and Yehuda Litani z"le – וְכִּיתְתוּ

FES Israel and the Willy Brandt Center Jerusalem cordially invite you to an exciting event in honor of the launch of Alon Liel and the late Yehuda...


21.11.2024 | Peace and security dialogue, Shared society, Previous Events

The Seventh Annual Conference of the Mitvim Institute - Strategies of Hope

On November 21st, over 200 participants, including high-ranking officials from Israel and the international community, gathered in the Yithzak Rabin...


05.05.2024 | Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

May 1 conference organized by the Berl Katznelson Center - “Decision Time”

Here you can find selected video clips from the traditional May 1 conference organized by the Berl Katznelson Center in cooperation with FES Israel....


| Israel-German / European relations, Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

"The Israeli Initiative" - International Zoom Briefing

FES Israel in cooperation with The Mitvim Institute and the Berl Katznelson Center, invite you to a special briefing on "The Israeli Initiative".



| Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

6 O Clock after the War - A Political Security Vision for Israel

On December 19, a hybrid conference took place, organized by the Berl Katznelson Foundation and the Mitvim Institute, in cooperation with FES Israel...


| Israel-German / European relations, Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

The Future of European Security?

FES Israel in collaboration with the Mitvim Institute, IASEI, the French Embassy, and the EU Delegation to Israel conducted the event: “What future...



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