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09.04.2024 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

For women and children who are in the cycle of violence, the difficulty of obtaining a safe roof is a major barrier against leaving violent relationships.


09.04.2024 | Peace and security dialogue, Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

What will Israeli society look like in 2025? What developments will it experience between now and then? Will it manage to overcome the profound rifts that characterize it today? And if not, what options for its future are available to the State of Israel?


10.03.2024 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

In recent years, there has been an increase in divorce rates among the Arab population – an increase that raises the demand for housing among divorced Arab women.


01.08.2023 | Shared society, All Publications

Corona crisis, geopolitical crises between Israel and its neighbors, political crises in the country itself: Crises have been omnipresent in the politics of recent years.


24.05.2023 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

Ahead of the 2023 Givat Haviva Conference for a Shared Society, a joint survey was conducted for Givat Haviva and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung under the supervision of Dr. Nohad Ali from the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research at the Technion and a lecturer at the Western Galilee Academic College among interviewees from the Jewish and Arab communities. The goal of the survey was to get an up-to-date…


01.07.2021 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

18.06.2020 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

18.06.2020 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

18.06.2020 | Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

02.06.2020 | Peace and security dialogue, Shared society, Social justice, All Publications

“Annexation" has been an idea entertained by, flirted with, and used as leverage by Israel essentially since immediately after the Six Days War in 1967.


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