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02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The present publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the Resumption of Direct Talks between Israelis and Palestinians.


02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The present publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the Raid on the Gaza Flotilla and the Increasing International Isolation.


02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The present publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the Dead-lock in the Peace Process.


02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The present publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the construction freeze for the Jewish settlements in the West Bank.


02.12.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

Israel Debates is released as online publication of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. Each edition presents opinions of two authors who express controversial views about major events of Israeli interior or foreign politics. The first publication of Israel Debates presents the Israeli domestic discussion on the Cast Lead military operation that the Israeli military waged against Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, from…


17.09.2015 | Israel-German / European relations, All Publications

Michal Eskenazi is a researcher at Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies.


25.08.2015 | Israel-German / European relations, All Publications

Published in cooperation with IEPN, MACRO – The Center for Political Economics.


25.08.2015 | Israel-German / European relations, All Publications

Published in cooperation with IEPN, MACRO – The Center for Political Economics.


25.08.2015 | Israel-German / European relations, All Publications

Published in cooperation with IEPN, MACRO – The Center for Political Economics.


26.07.2015 | Gender justice, All Publications

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