Gender Justice

The situation of women and the LGBTQ community in Israel has steadily improved over the past few years. Nonetheless, the gender gap remains wide and misogynous or homophobic prejudice persists in many sections of Israeli society.

Israeli civil society is dominated by men and the military. In addition, religious conservatism plays a significant role in Jewish and Arab society, influencing the status of men and women and attitudes towards members of the LGBTQ community. Gender inequality is evident in the Israeli labor market, in politics, in society and in the media. Gender segregation in the labor market in Israel is wide. Although women are increasingly gaining access to higher education and are therefore better educated than men, their situation on the labor market has not changed: women's gross hourly wages are still significantly lower than men's. In addition, almost twice as many women as men work part-time. Women's achievements in terms of educational opportunities do not necessarily result in better positions in the labor market or greater social and political influence.

We see it as our mission not only to support activities that serve to empower and improve the status of women, but also to draw attention to injustice between the sexes and to work towards the avoidance of any form of gender-based discrimination.

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