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13.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Peace and security dialogue, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Labor relations, All Publications

This booklet which discusses the impact of waste recycling on employment is part of a wider project - "Zichron Ya'akov Initiative" which deals with social and economic policy in Israel.


13.05.2015 | Labor relations, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Israel-German / European relations, All Publications

13.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

For social justice but against a political agenda – the social protest movement in Israel is at a crossroads


13.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

The Third Youth Study of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – the Third Youth Study of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – Changes in National, Societal and Personal Attitudes.


13.05.2015 | Social justice, All Publications

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