
The Second Alumni Meeting of the Program for Progressive Economists

For the second time, around 30 graduates of the “Society and Environment” program (formerly Progressive Economists) met in an informal setting in a bar in Tel Aviv on June 5.

The aim and purpose of this initiative, which was launched and is coordinated by Keren Tamari from the Social Academic Academy, is to combine the teaching of economic and political content with an exchange of experiences and fun. Over a good glass of beer and healthy finger food, the audience listened to Dr. Eli Kook, University of Haifa, speak on the topic: “Biden’s economic policy: much achieved and yet not appreciated – why?” This was followed by a lively discussion that is also relevant to Israeli reality.

As part of this initiative, there will be a series of further meetings on various topics to ensure that every graduate feels comfortable in the alumni network. This is the only way to create a strong and thriving community that is committed to political action in the public sphere.

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