
Schlaglicht Nummer 9/24, Aktuelles aus israelischen Zeitungen, 1. – 15. Mai 2024

Das „Schlaglicht Israel“ bietet einen Einblick in die innenpolitischen Debatten Israels. Es erscheint alle zwei Wochen und fasst Kommentare aus israelischen Tageszeitungen zusammen. So spiegelt es ausgewählte, aktuelle politische Ereignisse wider, die die israelische Öffentlichkeit bewegen.


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Die Themen dieser Ausgabe:

  1. Militäreinsatz in Rafah trotz internationaler Kritik
  2. Holocaustgedenktag, Gedenktag für die gefallenen Soldaten und Opfer von Terrorattacken und Unabhängigkeitstag 2024
  3. Propalästinensische Proteste an Hochschulen weltweit
  4. Weitere Themen


1. Militäreinsatz in Rafah trotz internationaler Kritik

Ungeachtet der scharfen Warnungen aus Washington, gegebenenfalls Waffenlieferungen an Israel zurückzuhalten, rückt die israelische Armee in der überfüllten Grenzstadt Rafah vor. Ziel ist, die dort vermuteten Hamas-Bataillone zu zerschlagen. Berichten zufolge, hat die US-Regierung entgegen der anfänglichen Drohung von Präsident Joe Biden schließlich doch Rüstungslieferungen in Milliardenhöhe bekräftigt und setzt die Gespräche mit der Regierung in Jerusalem fort. Auch die Europäische Union forderte das sofortige Ende des israelischen Militäreinsatzes in Rafah, der die „ohnehin katastrophale humanitäre Lage“ vor Ort weiter verschärfe, so der EU-Außenbeauftragte Josep Borrell. Informationen der UNRWA zufolge, haben inzwischen nahezu 800.000 Menschen die Stadt Rafah verlassen und sind erneut auf der Flucht. Besonders bitter für die Menschen im Gazastreifen wie auch für die israelischen Geiseln der Hamas und ihre Angehörigen ist, dass ein erneuter Vorstoß Ägyptens für einen Austausch der Verschleppten gegen palästinensische Häftlinge zu keinem Ergebnis führte.


Netanyahu Is Taking Us to Masada With a Rafah Offensive. Stop Him

(…) Going into Rafah now is like going to Masada. Masada, like the Bar Kochba rebellion, are symbols of suicidal, messianic madness that affected particular parts of the people of Israel. In a terrible mistake, young Zionism wrapped them in a false aura of sanctity and heroism. (…) The hostages who are still alive will be sacrificed, soldiers will die in vain, hundreds and thousands of Palestinians will be killed, the Americans, moderate Arab states and the world at large will finally be sick of us. (…) Brother and sister Israelis, we are on the threshold of another disaster. I call on the silent majority, the gatekeepers and senior defense establishment officers to say, "No more," and stop Netanyahu. By any means.

Uri Misgav, HAA, 01.05.24


Israel's Far-right Lawmakers Would Rather See Hostages Die Than Stop the War

(…) National Missions Minister Orit Strock (…) is a walking injustice. (…) It's not for nothing that Strock latched on to those specific words, "creating the conditions." She prefers creating conditions for the return of the hostages to actually bringing 33 of them home, even though it's clear to everyone that every day that passes in which "the conditions are created" – in other words, that we continue to fight in Gaza – endangers the hostages' lives. (…) The Israel Defense Forces estimates that a few dozen have been killed. So what is Strock babbling about when she says we should give up on a deal to free 33 living hostages, in the name of her stated desire not to forsake the other 100? Either she is lying to us or, in her view, there is no difference between living hostages and dead hostages. My guess is that both answers are correct. (…) The reason this lunatic from the West Bank hilltops thinks that the current deal would forsake the 100 remaining hostages is that Israel would have nothing with which to pay for them except ending the war. In short, they wouldn't really be forsaken, except by those people who aren't willing to end the war. In other words, Strock prefers the continuation of the war over the release of the hostages. That's all. (…)

Carolina Landsmann, HAA, 03.05.24


Maybe Death Will Be the Best Ending for Me in Gaza

My name is Amjad. I'm 36 years old, father of two little girls. Before October 7, I worked as a child therapist. My wife, also in her 30s, worked as a teacher. Even though we both have academic degrees, we also had to work other jobs in order to support our family. (…) Although our home was small and modest, it was like a kingdom to us. (…) October 7 changed me and my family forever. (…) The first time we fled, we arrived at an UNRWA school in our area. We were shocked by the conditions. (…) The cold filled the air, and the space was filled with the incessant noise of planes, bombings, ambulance sirens, cries of the sick and of mothers who were separated from their children. Every night we fought over items that were in short supply. (…) We fought over the line for the toilets, the line for the shower, over the space in the classroom. It was another war, in addition to the real war. (…) One day, I managed to doze off and then somebody, who presumably had no shoes, took the only shoes that I brought with me when I left home. Since then, I've been wearing torn flip-flops and the soles of my feet are always dirty. (…) Tanks were near the house, shelling started again (…). We fled south, on foot. (…) After a short time, we left there to another nearby area, where a good friend (…) found us a room that belonged to someone else. We stayed in it for four weeks, until the owner of the room needed it again. I found a small storage space to stay in, and I've been there ever since. The displacement journey is not over yet; after all, I lost my house and everything I had. (…) Nothing will return to what it was. We don't know when this suffering will end. Maybe death will be the best ending.

Amjad, HAA, 05.05.24


Hamas' hostage deal refusal paves way for Rafah offensive

(…) The IDF should begin an operation in Rafah immediately. (…) Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and his team are reluctant to compromise. (…) In fact, they seem to have a vested interest in prolonging the negotiations, potentially for weeks or even months. (…) Therefore, Israel finds itself with practically no other choice but to use military force against Hamas. The viable military strategies include a tactical advance into Rafah and the central camp areas, or possibly initiating another intense operation in the northern sector of the Strip. (…) The barrage of rockets and mortars fired from Gaza into Israeli territory (…) starkly underscores the untenable situation of Hamas and Islamic Jihad operating as organized terrorist factions within the Gaza Strip, even if confined to a small sector like Rafah. This situation is unacceptable not merely because of the casualties inflicted on Israeli soldiers, or the damage to civilian properties like the one at Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, but because such attacks demonstrate that, as long as Hamas and Islamic Jihad remain active anywhere in Gaza, the people of the Western Negev cannot safely return to their everyday lives.

(…) decisive action in Rafah is imperative (…) not only to dismantle the threats posed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad and to prevent them from regaining military prowess elsewhere in the Strip, but also to secure a deal for the release of hostages without succumbing to Hamas' narrative of forcing Israel to end the conflict on their terms. (…)

Ron Ben-Yishai, YED, 06.05.24


Hamas kills more Israelis. Enough is enough, the IDF must enter Rafah now

(…) a military campaign that does not disable the operational capabilities of the organization is ineffective and will only increase terrorist motivation, exposing civilians and military personnel to further attacks (…). By trying to avoid entering Rafah (…), PM Benjamin Netanyahu is heading towards his second fiasco, after the October 7th massacre. Destroying most of the Hamas military infrastructure, but leaving the leadership and the battalions in the south in full activity is probably the worst, most dangerous thing that the Netanyahu government can do, because Hamas now has nothing to lose. (…) The alleged “hostage deal” is leading to nowhere, because it is obvious that Sinwar has no intention of depriving himself of his Israeli human shields. He simply won’t accept a deal that does not include his own safety, something which the Israeli government obviously cannot afford. The continuous postponing of the Rafah incursion by the Israeli government launches the signal that Israel is afraid to enter Rafah, mostly because of international pressure, and this situation strengthens Sinwar’s position. (…) Hamas must be eradicated, that was the initial plan, at least as claimed by the Israeli leadership and that’s what needs to be done.

Giovanni Giacalone, TOI, 06.05.24


Kerem Shalom attack proves Rafah action is necessary

The barrage of rockets and mortars towards Kerem Shalom (…) is Hamas' response to those who questioned the necessity of an Israeli military operation in the Rafah area. It reflects the self-confidence of Hamas' commanders, who did not hesitate to initiate such an attack from a humanitarian area – even in the midst of critical negotiations for the organization and despite the cost of damaging a vital supply line for the Gazan population. (…) One does not need to be an intelligence officer to understand that Hamas draws great encouragement from the positions of the US and the attitude it displays towards Israel regarding the war in Gaza. In this monstrous organization, they understand that the Biden administration is striving to end the war through a deal involving the release of the Israeli hostages, without achieving any of Israel's objectives; a deal that would allow Hamas to recover militarily and upgrade its status not only in the Gaza Strip but also in the West Bank and the region as a whole. (…) When its work is done by others, all that remains for Hamas is to continue insisting on its exaggerated demands in the negotiations, buy time, exploit the supply to equip its fighters, re-establish its rule, and prepare its forces for the continuation of the campaign – not only for defense but also for attack. (…)

Meir Ben Shabbat, IHY, 06.05.24


Isolating Hamas: This should be IDF's new strategy for Gaza conflict

(…) As part of the negotiations, Hamas set demands on which it was not willing to compromise - the return of the residents to the north of the Gaza Strip and the cancellation of a corridor that crosses the Strip - this is mainly to regain its control over the north of the Gaza Strip. At the same time, with the exit of most of the IDF forces fighting in the Gaza Strip, most of the organization's energy is directed toward the treatment of the civilian population. (…) Hamas's goal is to preserve its power over the civilian population and to ensure the people know that they must depend on Hamas to distribute food and supplies. (…) Hamas also started to restore the infrastructure (roads, water pipes, and sewers), clear rubble in the center of the Gaza Strip and Khan Yunis, and purposely take pictures and be photographed. They have opened new markets in Gaza City in place of the previous ones that were destroyed. It has reopened kindergartens in the north and center of the Gaza Strip. (…) It appears that any threat to its current and future sovereignty in the Gaza Strip and its ability to govern the population will bring Israel the required achievement. Israel knows how to accomplish this at a relatively low cost in terms of human life and global public opinion, such as the appointment of new civilian committees for the northern Gaza Strip by the IDF while dispossessing the civilian emergency committees of Hamas; or initiating the Gaza Conference with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates to begin the establishment of a joint Arab force and an executive mechanism for temporary control of the Strip. Further, the IDF must initiate the physical isolation of Hamas in Rafah from the south and north. (…)

Amit Yagur, JPO, 07.05.24


Rafah: Act now or suffer the consequences

(…) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing pressure from all sides, last week said the IDF would go into Rafah with or without a deal with Hamas. (…) The belligerent rhetoric was all well and good. (…) It is now time for Israel to tell Hamas in no uncertain terms that enough is enough. The longer the war drags on, the more soldiers will be killed, and the more time Israel gives Hamas to prevaricate in talks about a hostage deal, the worse the outcome will be for Israel on all fronts, both militarily and diplomatically. Entering Rafah will enable Israel to directly confront the terrorist infrastructure that poses an existential threat to its citizens. (…) Gaining a foothold in Rafah will also send a powerful message to Hamas and other terrorist groups that Israel will not tolerate acts of aggression and will take decisive action to protect its citizens. Too often, Israel’s measured response to rocket attacks and other provocations has been interpreted by its enemies as weakness and has encouraged them to escalate violence further. By showing resolve, Israel can better deter future attacks and create a more secure environment for its people. (…) the status quo is untenable and unsustainable. (…) The time for action is now.

Editorial, JPO, 07.05.24


Israel Must Say Yes to a Hostage Deal, No to Conquering Rafah

(…) The deal that Hamas agreed to isn't the original deal on the table. Some of its clauses are problematic and the Israeli demand that it be improved is logical. But instead of "taking Hamas' consent and turning it into a deal for everyone's return," as the hostage families are demanding, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening to conquer Rafah. (…) the ones paying the price for such a policy are the hostages themselves. Continuation of the fighting has already cost the lives of several of them, and it endangers the lives of those hostages who remain alive. The combat operation in Rafah won't advance the freeing of the hostages. On the contrary, it would harm such a prospect and is also liable to further harm the scope of the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip and further increase the toll of Gazans killed. (…) The only way to return the hostages is to act courageously and sign a deal, even if it entails a painful price.

Editorial, HAA, 07.05.24


Sinwar kicks the ball into Israel's court

(…) The ball is back in the Israeli court, and it's now up to the Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to decide whether to respond to the proposal positively and agree to end the war at the end of the deal's first phase (…), or to respond negatively and be seen around the world as one who rejected the option of ending the war. Hamas, it seems, has latched onto the new proposal. (…) The significant change for Hamas is a commitment to practically announce the end of the war. While Hamas demanded prior approval, it is willing to settle for such an announcement at the end of the deal’s first phase, after the release of the first group of hostages taking 42 days, and before the release of the captured IDF soldiers and young men. This is very dramatic, especially since it puts Israel at the forefront of a long-term cease-fire and places Netanyahu in a politically complex situation. If he rejects the Egyptian deal, it may lead to Ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisekot leaving the emergency government and pushing for widespread public pressure, likely involving new groups among the Israeli public. On the other hand, if he accepts the Egyptian proposal, he will have to stop the operation in Rafah, and some of his ministers – led by Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, of course – have already threatened that accepting the Egyptian deal would imply that the current Israeli government has no right to exist. (…) Sinwar, along with Haniyeh and others, made his calculations and realized the new proposal on the table didn’t meet the terror group's initial conditions - namely, a complete pause in the fighting during the first phase, but on the other hand paved the way for such a pause in just over a month and a half. (…) If Israel responds positively, Hamas can end the fighting while portraying itself as the winner (…).

Avi Issacharoff, YED, 07.05.24


The Biden 'doctrine' vs. Israel’s defense

(…) Biden’s warning to Israel to forgo a full-scale attack on Rafah was decisively motivated by politics, specifically the upcoming U.S. elections. (…) the president is deftly worried that a civilian “blood bath” in Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians have sought shelter, will doom his reelection chances as it will scuttle his support among “progressives” and Muslim voters. (…) On the basis of the very announcement of the Biden “doctrine,” it would be impossible to fault Hamas leadership if it is now certain that time is working in its favor—a cardinal tenet of its entire murderous strategy. In fact, considering the “doctrine’s” first principle, Hamas may be expecting the IDF to soon run out of the type of ammunitions that cause it the highest number of casualties and the greatest loss of hideouts and other assets. (…) By curbing the IDF’s ability to go after Hamas’ hideouts in civilian populated areas, Biden in effect is assuring that this terrorist army, as well as others like Hezbollah, continue to rely on their enemy's adherence to the rules of warfare as their force multipliers. (…) The Biden doctrine (…) is indirectly pressuring Israel to modify its battlefield plans, exposing its soldiers in the process. As such, Biden is most certainly playing into Hamas’ hands. (…) Biden’s insistence on fighting by the rules may seem a noble enterprise, yet it is unquestionably driven by fleeting political calculus. (…)

Avigdor Haselkorn, YED, 14.05.24


2. Holocaustgedenktag, Gedenktag für die gefallenen Soldaten und Opfer von Terrorattacken und Unabhängigkeitstag 2024

 Der Krieg im Gazastreifen, die Trauer um die Opfer des Hamas-Massakers und die gefallenen Soldaten sowie die Sorge um die Geiseln überschatteten in diesem Jahr die nationalen Gedenktage und den Unabhängigkeitstag. Angehörige von Opfern der Hamas reihten sich ein in den "Marsch der Lebenden", der vom ehemaligen Lagergelände in Auschwitz in das drei Kilometer entfernte Birkenau führt. Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu nahm den Holocaustgedenktag zum Anlass, um zu betonen, dass sich Israel notfalls auch alleine verteidigen müsse. Damit spielte er auf die Drohung von US-Präsident Joe Biden an, die Rüstungs-lieferungen an Israel teilweise einzufrieren. Auch der Gedenktag für die gefallenen Soldaten und Opfer von Terrorangriffen stand im Zeichen der aktuellen Kriegshandlungen und ihrer Opfer. Die traditionellen Zeremonien und Feierlichkeiten am Unabhängig-keitstag blieben weitgehend aus. 


Conflating the Holocaust with the current war cheapens the memory of the six

Israel is marking Holocaust Remembrance Day this year under extraordinary circumstances. (…) Some 80 years after Hitler’s failed but massive attempt to exterminate the Jews, there are still ongoing attempts to wipe out the Jewish State of Israel that rose from the ashes of the death camps in Poland and Germany. The piercing sirens that became so commonplace over the first few months of the Gaza war – and returned less than a month ago when Iran launched its unprecedented missile attack – are prescient reminders that Israel’s existence should never be taken for granted. (…) it will not be possible this year to hear the siren and not think of those souls languishing in captivity as well as the victims of the October 7 Hamas massacre. Since the war began, there has been no shortage of Nazi terminology and imagery being bandied about. (…) The Holocaust was a singular moment, the depths of depravity and inhumanity it evoked unmatched in the annals of history. Conflating it with the current war is a ghoulish travesty that cheapens the memory of the six million. (…)

Editorial, JPO, 06.05.24


A Yom HaShoah Unlike Any Other

(…) We are a nation still grieving. Every few days, the IDF announces another death, a soldier who fell defending his or her country or the remains of someone taken captive having finally been identified. (…) anti-Israel protests on American university campuses, and endless other antisemitic incidents around the world are on the rise. (…) As the child of a Holocaust survivor, I’ve often disliked the phrase “never again”. I respect and appreciate the sentiment, but today, it has far less meaning as history nauseatingly repeats itself. Women raped and mutilated, babies burned to death, the elderly viciously murdered, and too many people staying quiet, worried how speaking out may hurt their careers or public image. Never again is now. But even in this terrible time of darkness, there is light. The Jewish Nation is stronger and more united than ever before. Planeloads of supplies, numerous volunteering opportunities, millions of dollars being raised to support the IDF, and countless acts of kindness in Jewish communities have taken place. (…) We have a country whose innovations in technology, medicine, science, energy, and defense have created massive global impact. We have a powerful army fighting back against our attackers. (…) This Yom HaShoah is on a different scale than any other I’ve ever experienced. While I mourn my own family’s losses as well as our collective Nation’s, I can’t help but hope that in the weeks ahead, we will emerge victorious just like in previous years. (…)

Chaya Berkowitz, TOI, 06.05.24


No Celebrations. There Is Only One Way to Observe Israel's Independence Day

(…) If every year the holiday raises questions about how Israel handles its independence and its sovereignty, if every year we must ask who pays the price for this, this year the holiday's very existence has become intolerable. How can it be possible to cope with independence celebrations in a state that turns its back on what makes it a state and defines it as independent? (…) the belief in the rightness of the path – is shakier than ever before. The current existential war is dramatic, because Israel's independence is under existential threat – not because of Hamas or Hezbollah, but because of the Israeli hands that are trying to sabotage it. Israel is ruled by a dictator who refuses to act according to the voice of reason and morality. It is not independent, because what drives large parts of its population is not a desire to live and to save lives, but rather a desire for revenge, oppression and power. And it is not independent mainly because it canceled its most fundamental contract with its citizens: its duty to protect them. As long as Israel has not brought back the hostages, any engagement with "independence" is self-deception. (…) Memorial Day this year will be especially sad, with so many new names added to the list of the fallen, and Independence Day will be even worse. (…) This year, the joy for all we managed to build and accomplish nevertheless – the joy that should follow the sorrow for what we have lost – is impossible, because all these achievements are in grave doubt. (…) it is more fitting to observe this day (…) with introspection, moral reckoning and, above all – protest. (…)

Shani Littman, HAA, 13.05.24


Amid an ongoing war, we salute Israel's fallen

(…) This year’s events will be unlike any held beforehand. (…) 1,594 soldiers and civilians have been killed in combat or terrorist attacks since last year’s Remembrance Day. (…) this was the deadliest year for the country in five decades – since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. (…) Every soldier leaves a whole world behind – a loving family and friends, comrades and colleagues – and marvelous memories that inspire and give us strength and hope for the future. (…) As we bow our heads to the fallen, we should be proud of the heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the state. We should remember that they did not die in vain, and we must be united, strong and resilient (…). May the memories of all Israel’s fallen be blessed, and their families and friends be comforted by their legacies.

Editorial, JPO, 12.05.24


My first Memorial Day as a bereaved mother

(…) I will never forget Oct. 7, 2023. (…) On that day, my life, my family's life, and all of our lives took a sharp, painful, and searing turn. A day for remembrance is also Dec. 15, 2023, that same day when they informed me, my family, and all of you about the killing of our son, Yotam Haim, who was accidentally shot by our forces when he escaped from Hamas captivity and was mistakenly identified as a terrorist. (…) those days (…) are etched into my flesh from now until forever. Memory is something that makes me laugh on certain days; those days when I see Yotam in my mind, with all his silly antics, laughing and imitating (…) politicians. (…) Memory is also something that makes me cry, a lot. (…) A day for remembrance – to remember the reason we live here. I have a private memory, a memory of me with my son (…).

And in the same breath, I also have a national memory. The memory of all the beloved people who lost their lives at a young age, while defending our homeland. A memory that we have a homeland, a memory that once we didn't. A memory that once there was no army to protect us, a memory that now there is. A memory to give thanks every day for the right to live here, and also to die here, because we have no other place. (…) On this Memorial Day, the first in which I am called a "bereaved mother", I join all those mothers who remember their sons and daughters without the need for a special day. (…)

Iris Haim, IHY, 12.05.24


On the eve of Israel’s Memorial Day

The eve of Israel Memorial Day for the Fallen is a time to reflect on the bravery and sacrifice of those that served and paid the ultimate price. Their dedication to the country is a testament to their courage and bravery. (…) Independence Day is an opportune moment to answer our adversaries around the world with a resounding vote of confidence in our country. We stand united, resolute, and unwavering in our determination to safeguard the hard-won independence and sovereignty of the State of Israel. The sacrifices made by our Fallen soldiers and the continued vigilance of our brave men and women in uniform have ensured that the flame of freedom burns brightly in our nation. (…) As we observe Independence Day, let us remember the heavy price paid by those who came before us and honor their memory by continuing to build a strong, prosperous, and just society. May their courage inspire us to always stand firm in the face of adversity, united in our commitment to the values upon which our nation was founded. Let us not forget the hostages held by Hamas savages and pray for their safe return.

Jonathan Davis, TOI, 12.05.24


This is the week thousands of Israelis will make the decision to leave

(…) The manic-depressive week of Memorial Day followed by the celebration of Independence Day. This year we have nothing to celebrate. A very sad Memorial Day with 1,500 Israelis who were murdered or died during service in the past 7 months, 132 hostages among them at best 30 are still alive. Our soldiers are fighting in the North and South of Gaza, again without any reasonable goal (…) with no foreseeable ending or a political change in sight. The many who have considered leaving Israel before October 7th due to the legal coup, moreover after October 7th and the collapse of all security systems but were not sure, following this week, will probably make their decision to leave. Those are the middle and upper class people, academics, hi-tech professionals, medical staff – the backbone of this country. (…) Since that horrific Shabbat, the abductees have turned from a consensus into a bitter division between right and left, under the auspices of the Israeli government. The members of the government have brainwashed their camp, and now demonstrations for the return of the abducted are tantamount to treason. And the use of violence against the families of the kidnapped and the protesters for their release has become commonplace. This is the “Save Netanyahu War”. This is why our children are in Gaza. This is why the residents of the North are displaced for 7 months with no end in sight. (…) Bibi and his partners in the last 15 years have rotted the systems in such an extreme way that it is not clear who, what and how anyone would be able to fix things. (…) If we want to have a chance to save our country, the majority must find the energy, we must rise and send all of them home. 

Tzvi Gottlied, TOI, 13.05.24


3. Propalästinensische Proteste an Hochschulen weltweit

Die propalästinensischen Proteste gegen das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gazastreifen sind in den vergangenen Wochen an zahlreichen Elite-Universitäten in den USA eskaliert. Dabei geht es zumeist um die Forderung an die Hochschulen, die Zusammenarbeit mit Israel zu stoppen und nicht weiter in das Land zu investieren. Jedoch werden vielerorts auch eindeutig antisemitische Parolen skandiert, die sich immer wieder in Form von körperlichen Angriffen gegen jüdische Student_innen manifestieren. Die Proteste gerieten teilweise außer Kontrolle. Jüdische Studierende berichteten von Angriffen und Angst. Die Polizei nahm landesweit fast 3.000 Menschen fest. Auch in Europa und in Australien kommt es verstärkt zu Protesten an den Hochschulen, bei denen Israel „Apartheid“ und „Genozid“ vorgeworfen wird. In Israel werden die Proteste mit großer Sorge verfolgt.


Only unity can combat anti-Jewish hate on campuses

The anti-Israel protests on major US campuses are spiraling out of control and the authorities must put a lid on them now before it is too late. (…) legitimate protests calling for a halt to the war in Gaza have morphed into “Free Palestine” hate fests against Israel’s existence. The measures taken by university administrators, including the suspension of protesters, seem to fan the flames further. (…) Anti-Israel protests and encampments, organized by pro-Palestinian groups funded by Qatar, PSC and others, have sprung up at several Ivy League campuses. Unless there is a tough policy, the protesters are not deterred. (…) Only a show of strength and unity can combat the wall of hate being hoisted in front of Jewish students across the US.

Editorial, JPO, 01.05.24


The ideological cocktail poisoning American campuses

(…) Much of the media have been calling the campus demonstrations "pro-Palestinian" but, from the start, they have in fact been anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, and pro-Hamas. Indeed, many demonstrators proudly proclaim: "We are Hamas!" (…) Why do those chanting such genocidal slogans simultaneously claim that Israel's defensive war against Hamas is genocidal? To understand, read up on Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. Hitler's clearly stated goal was "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." The anti-Zionists' goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state in the Middle East. As Mark Twain said, history doesn't repeat but "it often rhymes." (…) Enacting meaningful change would require leaders who recognize that today's "treason of the intellectuals" is a threat to "our democracy" and have the courage to combat it. It's up to you, the American voter, to decide who those leaders are.

Clifford D. May, IHY, 02.05.24


We Need a Truce in the Gaza Proxy War on U.S. Campuses

(…) it will take time for the climate on campus to improve. No one has a clear plan for repairing the damage that has been done, to heal the trauma of students who endured the violence, or to bridge the divide that is now wider than ever between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel students. Whatever healing and reconciliation is possible is unlikely to happen while the war in Gaza continues. (…) We too need a truce. We need pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel students to engage in respectful dialogue, to have nuanced discussions, and to learn more about the history and complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which defies simplistic slogans and easy solutions. And we need to ensure that all students are safe, irrespective of their beliefs and identities. Their fears must be alleviated and their needs prioritized, not politicized by external actors with their own agendas.

Dov Waxman, HAA, 05.05.24


Rising campus antisemitism poses an economic threat to Israel. Here are some strategic solutions.

The rise in antisemitism worldwide, particularly in the U.S., must be a top priority for the Israeli government. (…) the current acts of antisemitism on campuses (…) certainly reflect concerning trends among the new generation that we will have to address in the near future. (…) It’s important to understand that the recent rise in antisemitism on campuses is just a glimpse of the larger economic challenges that Israel and Jewish people worldwide may face in the next 10-15 years. (…) In the U.S., most leading companies recruit their next generation of employees directly from top universities like Columbia, NYU, UPenn and others. These universities take pride in their strong relationships with major U.S. companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft and many others that consistently hire from Ivy League universities and have for many years. However, a growing number of antisemitic acts by students on U.S. campuses could become a significant issue in the near future. Some of these students will inevitably play crucial roles in the U.S. economy, potentially impacting Israel's economic ties, business relationships and global market presence. (…) Universities are unlikely to meet the protesters' demands. However, the issue will become more pressing as these students will hold leadership positions in 10-15 years. This emphasizes the need to begin changing their perspectives and attitudes toward Israel now. (…) As a small country, Israel must remain integrated in the global economy. (…) Rather than isolating ourselves, we must strive to ensure Israel continues to be a leader in the global economy. (…)

Amit Serusi, YED, 06.05.24


Campus protests are the BDS movement's first victory

(…) The campus protests serve as a victory for the BDS movement, meant to boycott, divest and sanction Israel. (…) The Gaza war and the humanitarian disaster in Gaza that followed provided the fuel to ignite American campuses. One cannot ignore the many years of Arab investment in the American education system, from elementary schools to universities. The Palestinians exploited the new circumstances to revive BDS and make it relevant again. The demand from universities across the country was one and the same: to divest from companies linked to Israel. Israel has underestimated its adversaries, who have proved to be cunning and strategic. (…) American universities are in trouble, simultaneously trying to preserve freedom of speech and academic freedom, and are subjected to blunt extortion. (…) We can already see that the BDS movement is gaining legitimacy in several categories such as culture, sports and academics. Seeing as the boycott movement is not going anywhere, it will always find new fronts and new ways to hurt Israel. (…)

Nachman Shai, YED, 12.05.24


Campus Protests: Time to Pay the Piper

(…) we see these crazed protesters manically yelling and screaming their brainless, mind-numbing hate speech from cue cards and iPhones. They make false accusations of starvation and genocide and deny the Holocaust and October 7. They swarm, impede, and attack their victims. They take over and destroy property, graffiti our stores and sacred monuments, and rip and burn our noble flags. They chant Palestinian words they don’t understand and prostrate themselves on the ground to Allah, whom they do not know. (…) And for the most part, they seem to be getting away with it! (…) Let’s be clear: these protesters are going to lose 100%. (…) The justice system is going to catch up with them (…) for their numerous violations of the law, including hate speech, incitement to violence, trespassing, civil rights violations, property damage, loitering, unlawful assembly, unlawful detainment, enabling terrorism, and so much more. Remember, they are defacing our monuments, burning our flag, and chanting death to America! (…) As far as the institutions and organizations that supported this or conveniently looked the other way, there is going to be a massive wave of lawsuits, both individual and class action, and this will tie up these groups legally, financially, operationally, and reputationally for a long time to come. (…) The banks and financial intermediaries that helped launder and move the money for these groups will be investigated and likely fined, and their operations will be curtailed accordingly going forward. All the corrupt “educators,” “administrators,” progressives (…) pundits, personalities, and entertainers who vehemently attacked the victims and tried in vein to legitimize the Hamas terrorists will not only be shamed and out of a job but will be the laughing stock of the town. (…) now it is time when they will pay the piper for their knowing misdeeds. The parents, institutions, “professors,” and our politicians need to wake up now, restore truth and order, and salvage what is left of the shattered credibility and lives of these unfortunate and misguided souls.

Andy Blumenthal, TOI, 12.05.24


4. Weitere Themen


Proteste gegen israelische Eurovisions-Teilnehmerin

This year, Eurovision actually

There’s probably nothing more frivolous and carefree than the Eurovision Song Contest. Glitzy, low brow, and inconsequential, it’s the ultimate pop culture escape in which countries come together under the unified banner of unfettered camp and flamboyance. However, this year’s competition in Malmo, Sweden, has taken on a deadly serious overtone due to the fierce opposition to Israel’s participation amid the Gaza war. (…) Anti-Israel activists have been calling for months to bar Israel from the contest and have unsuccessfully lobbied other countries’ participants to boycott the competition. (…) Golan and her entourage have been told to stay in their hotel when not rehearsing for the contest, whose finals are taking place on May 11. (…) The Israel haters are also antisemitic, and Malmo is considered one of the world’s most antisemitic cities. Not only are residents siding with the genocidal aims of Hamas against Israel, they are blaming Jews as well. (…) What takes place in Malmo over the next few days will be a litmus test for the rest of Europe. If Israelis, and Jews, cannot walk safely down the streets of European cities, then what does the future hold? (…)

Editorial, JPO, 02.05.24


Poise vs. bullying: a lesson learned at the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest

(…) Dutch Joost Klein (…) thought to be one of the more outstanding in this year's competition and a likely contender for the top prize. But his behavior toward the Israeli delegation was like his smile, phony and disingenuous. He was ultimately booted out before the finals in an incident involving what was described as inappropriate behavior after a member of the production staff filed a complaint with local police, alleging he threatened her. (…) During a press conference after the semi-finals, Klein covered his face when Israel's Eden Golan answered a question from a reporter. (…) In his song, he reminisced about his father telling him that there are no boundaries in the world. He sang about the ease and freedom to travel all over the European Union and visit its member states. The reality for Israel does not comport with that vision of the world, as it sits surrounded by enemies who never accepted its very existence and await the chance to destroy it. (…) The toxic and childish behavior toward Golan did not gain any respect for the competition and, in hindsight, may have benefited Golan and the Israeli delegation. (…) What is there to say about Ireland's representative Bambie Thug? A self-described queer, who uses the non-binary personal pronouns "they" and "them." They would have likely been thrown off a roof in Gaza, but that did not stop them from siding with Hamas and proclaiming that Israel's qualification to the finals made them cry. (…) Switzerland's Nemo, also self-described as a non-binary artist, boycotted the rehearsal of the flag parade ahead of the finals in protest of Israel. They too had likely not heard of Hamas' opinion of men in skirts. Siding with the underdog has never been more ridiculous. (…) The Eurovision Song Contest was a rare opportunity for the silent European majority to express its voice in the face of radical Islam and the antisemitic radical left that had gone too far. While contestants avoided taking their photo with Golan, fearing bullying online if those appeared, the public at home told the young Israeli singer that she was not alone. (…) Not everyone hates Israel. (…) Perhaps this expression of a silent majority would bring hope to Israel.

Shmuel Munitz, YED, 12.05.24


Verbot von Al-Jazeera

Israel Must Not Shut Down Al-Jazeera

(…) Israel took a step down the slippery slope on the way to becoming a country that silences people. Previous governments that closed Al-Jazeera's offices were Egypt and the Gulf countries. In any case, Al-Jazeera shouldn't be shuttered, but doing so may turn out to be only a preface to a policy in which any media outlet, Israeli or international, that the government doesn't like is shut down. That's how it is when there's an extreme right-wing government that has declared war on freedom of expression and on the rule of law in Israel. (…) A government that declares its support for the propagandist and biased Channel 14 certainly has no right to shutter TV stations, as biased as they may be. (…) the Shin Bet security service believes that the channel's broadcasts harm state security, a condition required for closing it legally (…). Consulting the intelligence organizations regarding freedom of the press is dangerous in itself. Tomorrow another intelligence organization will decide that an Israeli newspaper or TV station is dangerous to security and will decide their fate as well. On the agenda are freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Anyone who cares about them must oppose the government's disgraceful decision. It has no place in a democracy.

Editorial, HAA, 06.05.24


Qatar and Al Jazeera are serving Hamas

The hostility of Qatar is bewildering. (…) the emirate chose to back radical Islamic terrorism (…). Qatar is a Muslim country with a legal system based on Sharia law. Its gas reserves are among the largest in the world, allowing for the emirate’s accelerated development, thanks to its abundant wealth. (…) Qatari money allows the emirate great influence on the curricula of American universities via hundreds of joint projects with universities in Doha. (…) Universities in the US that have been funded by Qatar for years are today seeing the results of their blind-eye policy as lecturers and radical Islamic students have turned them into hotbeds of antisemitism. Israel also had its eyes closed and (…) allowed hostile media outlet Al Jazeera to operate from its territory and broadcast on its media platforms, fueling hatred both among Arab Israelis and Arabs living in the territories of Judea and Samaria. Imagine if Nazi Germany had broadcast in Europe and the US during World War II, calling the Allied soldiers “murderers” while passing messages and instructions to the enemy. Kudos to Communications Minister Dr. Shlomo Karhi, who was successful, with a broad consensus, in passing the law preventing Qatar’s Al Jazeera network from broadcasting in Israel, and finally shutter the channel, albeit temporarily. (…) neither the former head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, nor Israeli governments over the years, had clearly understood Qatar’s place in the terrorist space. Al Jazeera is the world’s largest brain-washing media organization functioning in the service of Hamas, under the auspices of Qatar – the generous host that supports terrorism.

David Ben-Basat, JPO, 10.05.24






HAA = Haaretz

YED = Yedioth Ahronoth / Ynetnews

JPO = Jerusalem Post

IHY = Israel HaYom

TOI = Times of Israel

GLO = Globes


Published: Mai 2024.



Dr. Ralf Melzer,

Head of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel



Susanne Knaul

Judith Stelmach


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