
Young Na’amat – a Study of Values, Processes and Community in Ideology and in Practice

A new publication about the methodology and the story behind Young Na’amat

Young Na’amat was founded in 2007 by attorney Orly Bitty as a budgeted project within Na’amat in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel. The goal was and still is to enable young women to introduce their needs, their voices and their languages into Na’amat and at the same time give them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the history, the values and the vision of Na’amat and of the Histadrut in general. Since the inception of the project, hundreds of young women have been trained in this framework and have turned into a vibrant community. Young Na’amat has become a home to initiatives of the program’s alumni and puts innovative topics on the agenda which deal mainly with issues concerning women in general and young women in particular on the job market. This community was not created from nothing but is the result of many years of methodic work of Orly Bitty, Nurit Haghagh and the Steering Committee of the project that is continuously refined and updated. The publication „Young Na’amat – A study of values, processes, and community in ideology and in practice” describes the methodology and the history of the Young Na’amat community.



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