
To find out more about the events of FES Israel please check our Facebook page.

06.06.2024 | Shared society, Previous Events

Kol Mekomi – Local Voice: Training Course for Newly Elected Local Politicians From the Progressive Camp

On February 27, 2024, elections were held in 259 Israeli cities and districts to elect municipal representatives as well as mayors and heads of...


05.06.2024 | Shared society, Previous Events

Emda - Evaluation and Planning Meeting for Leaders of Pre-military Academies

Not all Israelis join the military immediately after school. In so-called “premilitary programs,” some young school graduates complete a voluntary...


05.06.2024 | Social justice, Previous Events

The Second Alumni Meeting of the Program for Progressive Economists

For the second time, around 30 graduates of the “Society and Environment” program (formerly Progressive Economists) met in an informal setting in a...


| Israel-German / European relations, Previous Events

Light One Candle - A Survivor’s Tale from Lithuania to Jerusalem

A theatrical monologue based on the autobiography of Holocaust survivor Solly Ganor. Directed and performed by Thomas Darchinger as part of his...


05.05.2024 | Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

May 1 conference organized by the Berl Katznelson Center - “Decision Time”

Here you can find selected video clips from the traditional May 1 conference organized by the Berl Katznelson Center in cooperation with FES Israel....


| Israel-German / European relations, Upcoming Events

Dialogues with the Holocaust Memory: October 2023 - April 2024

The event will take place on Monday, April 15, 2024 from 09:00 until 14:45 at the Massuah Institute, Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak.


31.03.2024 | Shared society, Social justice, Previous Events

Fes-Israel’s Visit to the Emda Program for Leaders of Pre-military Academies

Not all Israelis join the military immediately after school. In so-called “premilitary programs,” some young school graduates complete a voluntary...


29.03.2024 | Shared society, Social justice, Previous Events

Kol Mekomi – Local Voice: Meeting of Newly Elected Local Politicians From the Progressive Camp

On February 27 2024, elections were held in 259 Israeli cities and districts to determine municipal representatives as well as mayors and heads of...


| Israel-German / European relations, Peace and security dialogue, Previous Events

"The Israeli Initiative" - International Zoom Briefing

FES Israel in cooperation with The Mitvim Institute and the Berl Katznelson Center, invite you to a special briefing on "The Israeli Initiative".




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